Brian Jesse’s journey is one of heartbreak, transformation, and hope. As a child, he endured the harsh reality of living on the streets of Soroti for years, struggling to survive until old man picked him up and took him to his home seven years later Brothers of the old man raised against old man asking him why he was paying for Brian who is not child that belongs to their clan so they had to send him away  By 2016, overwhelmed by hopelessness, he came to the brink of ending his life. But in that moment of despair, God’s grace intervened. Brian encountered the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, and his heart was forever transformed.

With renewed purpose, Brian pursued opportunities to grow in faith and service. He joined Youth with A Mission at the Jinja Hopeland Base, where he deepened his understanding of God’s love and developed the skills to reach out to others. Today, Brian dedicates his life to giving a voice to vulnerable children, and communities suffering sharing their struggles and dreams as a speaker who inspires and challenges audiences from all walks of life.